Maastricht, august 26th, 2017
Oh, so sexy
Bass-baritones are rare in pop music. But now and then a new band emerges, with a lead singer with this special sound. Then “Oh, so sexy” verder lezen
The number 57 is a composite containing the ideas of social interaction, creative self-expression, expression of personal freedom, adventure, inspiration and introspection. It is especially adept with creative writing… very promising!
Maastricht, may 2nd, 2017
Breakfast Time. Maastricht, summer 2017
Daily DeFocus
Behold my path of life
Heerlen, spring 2017
First Aid
© Philip Verma
Spiky Bridge
Maastricht, september 21st
Stairway To Heaven
Maastricht, august 2016
Colour blocking à la Swaziland
Manzini, july 31th
So happy!
Volgens mij het beste, gelukkigste en gelijktijdig meest simpele … “So happy!” verder lezen
Marcel Duchamp, unterwegs in Bayern? Aus der Reihe “Kunst im Alltag”
Aschaffenburg. May 30th, 2017
Last one
So. I just had a last smoke. I liked it. I really enjoyed it. Had a whisky as well. Good combination. Some good music to go along. Like James Vincent McMorrow. And Stevie Wonder. Rag’n’Bone Man. It was a landmark, and I celebrated it.
July 1st, what a great date to start!
Master of Melancholy
Wise Words
Maastricht, june 10th