Heerlen, february 11th
Categorie archief:Facts & Figures
58 also has a whimsical side, enjoying the prospect of experiencing something new when the opportunity arises, especially if the experience may apply to its primary focus — building a secure foundation for the future.
Happy Birthday, dear Me!
The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It brings higher intuition, spiritual insight and increased sensitivity, as well as empathy and natural intelligence. It is associated with faith and psychics.
November, 2017
The number 57 is a composite containing the ideas of social interaction, creative self-expression, expression of personal freedom, adventure, inspiration and introspection. It is especially adept with creative writing… very promising!
Maastricht, may 2nd, 2017
The number 7 symbolizes humanity’s deep inner-need to find depth, meaning and spiritual connection. When the needs of food, self-expression, material and domestic achievements have been met, the 7 energy turns to the deeper levels of life.
Aschaffenburg, april 16th
Dreizehn, thirteen, dertien, trinaest: transformation, letting go, goodbye, new beginning, growth and further development. Lucky you!
Schrieversheide, june 19th
As the most feminine among all numbers, the 2 is also the most underestimated – at least, when it comes to power and strength.
Dublin, april 30th
What’s my age again? “56: moving forward with positive plans and ideas. Wonderful new opportunities…” Sounds good to me!
Zehlendorf, july 26th.
I like that number: cosmopolitan, visionary, adventurous, constructive and restless. A handful! Fünf, five, cinco, pet.
Schlachtensee, June 26th