Want a short break from reality? I recommend carwash meditations. A treat for the car, a treat for oneself; quickly relaxing and just fine. As soon as the windows are closed and the soap comes in, you can snuggle up in your own cocoon. With the surroundings growing darker, the front window becomes the perfect screen for your personal movie: no performance will ever be the same.
Deliver yourself to the hypnotizing force of sheer endlessly flowing water. There’s no need to think, just let the wiping tissues in front of you do the work – left to right and up and down they’ll clean your very own hard disk. No sounds; just the water outside and the ones you make. So sing if you like, or cry if needed: it’s gonna be your little secret, shared by you and the carwash alone. The perfect retreat. Like being in a parallel universe for a minute or two. When time is nearly standing still. Calm down, relax, let go. You will be feeling as good as new. And finally a giant blower is ready to wake you from your weightless daydream.
Your car is happy to shine again, and so are you!