Maastricht. April 28th, 2017
Maandelijks archief:april 2017
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Dublin Airport. May 4th, 2016
The number 7 symbolizes humanity’s deep inner-need to find depth, meaning and spiritual connection. When the needs of food, self-expression, material and domestic achievements have been met, the 7 energy turns to the deeper levels of life.
Aschaffenburg, april 16th
Cover By Incognito
So many layers. And somewhere in between, there’s you.
Maid in the shade. Dublin, may 2016
The place to be: where you get a smile at the entrance.
SwingOut, 2017
Sunday Night Trouble Shooting
Vaste prik, elke zondag avond: om 10 hondsmoe. Een half uur later in bed weer klaarwakker. Naar de klok kijken heeft geen enkele nut. Lezen ook niet. Je kan dan weer opstaan en de afwas doen (wel zo handig), je kunt ook blijven liggen en schaapjes tellen of jezelf hypnotiseren of aan je tenen spelen […]
Chill In My Heart
Love is hot and love is cold I’ve been bought and I’ve been sold Love is rock and love is roll I just want someone to hold
Enchanted Forest
What a strange day that was. It felt like snow in april. With everything upside down. Nice in a way… Why not shift angles and think the other way round?
Dreizehn, thirteen, dertien, trinaest: transformation, letting go, goodbye, new beginning, growth and further development. Lucky you!
Schrieversheide, june 19th